Festus the Clothes Horse


Here is a photo of Festus on laundry day. Soon, with the weather turning colder, he’ll be wearing a shirt all the time. Being part Chihuahua, he easily become cold. The last couple of mornings, he exited the back door with either his hoodie, or his form fitting purple tank top on.

Look closely and you will see an orb right on the back of his head.  Perhaps it is Festus’s spirit protector, because after all, he has survived a car accident, which is how he lost his leg, and suffered through having to live in a shelter, in pain and close to being euthanized before he was rescued by his foster mom.

The minute Festus dons a shirt, his confidence level goes up a notch. Never have I known a dog that loves his clothing as much as he. When I put one of his shirts on, he lifts each respective front paw to help me insert his arms into the armholes.

His shirts help keep him warm at night, too. However, that isn’t enough. He prefers to sleep under his blanket, and if we don’t cover him up, he’ll do it himself.

For the first couple of months, we allowed Festus to rule the bed, and he had a habit of crowding us out no matter where we positioned ourselves. And then one night, we’d had enough. My spouse came up with a brilliant idea. He took two pillows, placed Festus at the foot of the bed and covered him up. Of course, it took a lot of training, but now Festus willingly sleeps there, with his head on one pillow and covered up by another.


2 thoughts on “Festus the Clothes Horse”

  1. Jerry, thanks for the link to Sassy mom’s post about the orbs. Festus would not only keep you warm, he would give you a rash in the Texas heat. Of course, in the winter, that would be different.

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